Katoikoi Phalangitai (Early) (Macedonian Settlers) Macedonian settlers are only a small part of Greco-Bactrian society. Armed as typical hoplites, those soldiers fight in a phalanx. They are settled in their own city-states and do not share their privileges with natives or even other colonists. Politai Hoplitai (Greek Colonists) Greeks are the most common western colonists in Bactria. Curved swords, axes and heavy blades are the perfect weapons to pierce thick elephant hide, while light armour allows for better movement in difficult terrain.īaktrioi Doriphoroi (Bactrian Infantry) Equipped in the typical Bactrian manner, these troops are fierce infantrymen, although their light armour makes them easier targets. They are fierce in battle but have poor equipment and are better suited for ambush tactics.īaktrioi Therentioi Pezoi (Early) (Bactrian Assault Infantry) The exotic climate and animals are a shock for Hellenic troops, but not enough to break their spirit. Kofyaren-i Bakhtarig (Bactrian Hillmen) These hillmen are bands of warriors from the various tribal clans native to the Pamir mountains of Bactria. These men are drawn from the lower classes of society.
Nizagan Bakhtarig (Bactrian Levies) Herodotus notes that Bactrian warriors are commonly armed with spears, shields and light armour.